Saturday, December 25, 2010

Read the original Business Plan from 2000.

©2000-2013 Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD
All materials contained on this site are protected by International copyright law and may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission given by Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

View our presentation for this Pilot

©2000-2013 Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD
All materials contained on this site are protected by International copyright law and may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission given by Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

This post contains part of the original Business Plan created in May 2000.

Target Eye Limited was registered in Israel, Delaware and in the UK. It was founded in 2000 as a startup focusing in remote PC monitoring for surveillance purposes.

Executive Summary

Target Eye is a start-up company whose mission is to develop integrated software solutions for real-time monitoring and control of remote PCs, which are based on the company’s patent pending technologies (60/204,084 and 60/203,832).

The company is registered in Delaware and its R&D division is located in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

The company is owned and managed by Mr. Michael Haephrati, a well-experienced business manager and expert in the fields of computer security, intelligence, information systems and software development.

The company’s major product, Target Eye, is a software product that can continuously track, record, playback, analyze and report any activity performed on one or multiple remote computers, in a way which is undetectable by their users.

The software relies on a stream of rapidly captured, compressed full-screen images and continuous keystroke capturing to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of user activities, including local activities which do not generate any network traffic. In this way, the software can track and record activities, which are undetectable by systems relying on network traffic analysis.

A Secret Agent module running on the monitored PCs uses a rule base to send alerts to the monitoring location(s) or perform pre-defined local operations. Monitoring can be performed from multiple locations.

Major markets include the Law Enforcement and Intelligence markets, the E-Support market, the E-Learning market, and the corporate market. We see a growth potential for these rapidly expanding markets and estimate a revenue projection of over $90M in the next 3 years.

Additional Information:

Target Eye markets its technology and products using worldwide distributors.
We will also approach companies selling to the same target markets, which already have the infrastructure for worldwide distribution. These include manufacturers and distributors of security products, E-Learning products, E-Support products, etc.

The Market

Target Eye sees the following markets as potential markets for its line of products:

• The Law Enforcement market
• The corporate and outsourcing market
• The E-Learning market
• The E-Support market

The Law Enforcement Market

In today’s age of terrorism and cyber crimes, when fraud is becoming the biggest moneymaking opportunity on the Internet, more and more illegal activities are being preformed with the use of computers. In many cases, the criminals are better equipped than the victims.

While these activities occur, Law Enforcement bureaus are urging for a high technology cyber weapon that will allow a cyber war against cyber crimes.

Security, personal protection, national protection, confidential business information theft and industrial espionage represent a $20 billion market (according to COMSEC). This market is expecting a rapid growth. Industry analysts are predicting a growth of up to $40 billion during the next five years.

Government leaders as well as Law Enforcement professionals and national security bureaus have a lot to worry about, as security concerns are becoming a major issue not only for banks and corporations, but also for schools, universities, municipalities and small businesses.

The quickly escalating situation is prompting a new legislation spirit in the US and other countries around the world, intended to allow Law Enforcement bodies to catch cyber criminals using high technology tools such as computer surveillance systems. On April 27th, 2000, the European Council released a draft version of a convention paper on cyber crime, intended to coordinate national legislation efforts for the prevention and treatment of cyber threats.

These factors open some new and exciting business opportunities for participating in what is expected to be a $40 billion market in the next five years.

Target Eye is a uniquely suitable offering in this market, due to its use of a Secret Agent module that allows a computer to be remotely monitored in a covert way, without the user being able to detect he is being watched over. Also, the HotWord alerts mechanism draws the attention of the controller to any one of a number of monitored users upon encountering “sensitive” information or suspected activities.

The Corporate and Outsourcing Market

The corporate market consists of companies wishing to deploy tools for analysis and enhancement of employee productivity, remote employee management, and in-house investigation and surveillance.

More than 78% of large U.S. firms record and review employees' communications and activities on the job, twice as many as reported in 1997, according to an April survey by the American Management Association (AMA). The measures introduced in the House and Senate would not force employers to change their surveillance habits and would not require them to notify employees each time they check on them. The AMA questionnaire listed these forms of electronic monitoring and surveillance:

At the moment, monitoring for most companies means tracking e-mail and Net use, but there is an increasing interest in other uses of monitoring such as fraud detection, employee productivity analysis and enhancement, and remote employee management tool.

Outsourcing is another promising market for Target Eye. Today, more and more companies outsource a portion of their development or support activities to offshore or otherwise remotely located organizations and subsidiaries.

The Target Eye technology enables quick and effective online collaboration between local and remote employees, providing a great tool for streamlining outsourcing types of projects. Target Eye wishes to capitalize on expanding needs in order to provide a wide range solution for this market..

Some of the similar products attempt to perform remote real time monitoring of live screen images, and in doing so, use significant computation and communication resources. These systems lack the ability to capture ‘live’ screen images and transmit them to a distant network without overloading the network.

Two examples of such systems, called professional and Boss Everywhere, operate on a central PC server and run several applications simultaneously for a number of users which use remote Windows PC's as terminals. These system offer no real tracking / monitoring functions. In MS Windows based servers, such monitoring systems rely on Windows kernel changes at the server level.

Another type of remote monitoring products, such as PC Anwhere, remotely take control of a given PC. This is done visibly and requires the consent of the remote user. The goal in these systems is remote access rather than remote monitoring. A further type of monitoring systems capture the address of the displayed item and retrieve it from its original source, rather than from the monitored station over which it is browsed as a screen image.

Another system called Platinum automatically collects system events and stores them in a central database. This system is geared towards system administrators.

Using existing methods such as transforming a bitmap image of the active window and yet keeping a reasonable refresh rate, which is expected from a monitoring system, requires 500KB-1MB of storage space and communications bandwidth per image, which makes it not feasible in this application.

Target Eye contains methods and systems for monitoring activity in general, and methods and systems for monitoring personal computer activity, in particular.

Target Eye uses a hierarchical Client-Server / Server-Client structure, which overcomes the disadvantages of other products, currently marketed. Figure 1 depicts a schematic illustration of a system according to a preferred embodiment model of Target Eye.

Our major product, TargetEye, is a software product that can continuously track, record, playback, analyze and report any activity performed on one or multiple remote PCs, in a way which is undetectable by their users.

The software relies on a stream of rapidly captured, compressed full-screen images and continuous keystroke and mouse event capturing to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of user activities, including local activities which do not generate any network traffic. In this way, the software can track and record activities, which are undetectable by systems relying on network traffic analysis.

A Secret Agent module running on the monitored PCs uses a rule base to send alerts to the monitoring location(s) or perform pre-defined local operations. Monitoring can be performed from multiple locations.

Major Target Eye Features:

• Continuous real-time display of a remote PC’s screen image and keystrokes, using a relatively small stream; our scalable technology ensures quality of transmission even over a 33.6K dial-up connection.

• Simultaneous monitoring of several remote PCs.

• A comprehensive set of OS-derived data for the monitored PCs, such as task list, active task, idle time, open data files and current URL are also collected and displayed.

• Rapidly updating full-screen images enable tracking short-term or transient activities, such as creating a Word document and subsequently deleting it. The activity will be captured even though it will not change the local machine state nor generate any network traffic.

• VCR mode records screen images and keystrokes from a large number of monitored PC’s for later replay. This addresses the limitation of a human viewer not being able to monitor a large number of PCs in real time, as well as allowing for unattended operation.

• A Secret Agent module running on the monitored PCs uses a rule base consisting of pre-defined keystroke sequences (HotWords™) and OS data rules to send real-time alerts or perform local operations upon encountering “sensitive” activities or data. Compound rules can be specified, such as:

IF TASK = “outlook express” AND HOTWORD = “James Bond” DO send_alert [1].

If the rule becomes true, an alert is immediately sent to the controller, with a designation of the suspect station.

Compound rules are an effective tool for tracking suspected activities in real-time and performing any required interventions. Combined with support for string variables and wildcard specification, they can be effectively used for such tasks as detecting who is drawing money from a certain bank account, what email messages were sent to a competing company, and which employee is inappropriately using four-letter words in his email correspondence.

• The controlling program can update the rule base used by the Secret Agent over the connection. HotWords™ and OS data rules can be added on the fly, so that the system can be kept fully up-to-date on sensitive information for which real-time alerts are crucial – without requiring re-installation or further access to the monitored computers.

• The Controller program can take full control over the monitored computer. It can, for example, display a message on the monitored computer and force it to turn off.

• Using the Co-Work feature, the controller and the user of a remote PC can simultaneously operate the remote PC, facilitating such applications as e-learning, employee training, and remote maintenance.

• A Reporting Module generates meaningful reports that can include such data as complete daily log of tasks for employee, total time in task, idle time in task, total time idle, URLs visited, and other information, which may be used to analyze and improve employee productivity.

• TargetEye does not depend on network traffic analysis for its monitoring and tracking abilities, as do most systems on the market; instead, it relies on actual screen images, keystrokes, and OS information. This allows it, for example, to view locally encrypted e-mail, something programs using network traffic analyzer fail to do.

System Architecture

Target Eye overcomes the disadvantages of other products by providing a novel architecture and a method for implementing it, which is based on templates.

Figure 2 shows a schematic illustration of a network environment and a monitoring system, constructed and operative in accordance with a preferred embodiment model of Target Eye.

Target Eye Secret Agent 1 is an invisible component that can be discretely installed on the PC being monitored. This component can capture graphical and textual data, perform various operations upon request sent from the controller, and configure itself to activate automatically whenever the computer is turned on.

Target Eye Agent Monitoring Server 2 handles data transfer between one or more Secret Agents to the controller via a Remote HTTP Server 3, or directly.

Remote HTTP Server 3 represents, receives and transfers data between the agent monitoring server 2 and the Controller Server 4.

Target Eye Controller Server 4 is preferably implemented in software, collects information received from the Secret Agent 1 and delivers it, regularly or upon request to the controller client 5.

Legal Protection:

The Target Eye technology is protected by U.S. pending patents No. 60/204,084 and 60/203,832.

The patents were filed between April 2000 and July 2000, by Michael Haephrati.

Michael Haephrati

Michael has 18 years of experience in the areas of managing software and system operations, including extensive experience managing through entire life–cycle of several start-ups and software products including:

• THIS  )Targeted Human Intelligent Scoring( ©1998-2000. Served as VP Business Development and General Manager.
THIS is an integrated financial scoring system, which uses mathematical and logical models developed in recent years. The software generates quantitative indices (Scores) reflecting a customer’s financial soundness, reliability, and the level of significance at which the customer can be graded. .It can utilize a variety of DBs, whether existing or furnished by its user The object of THIS is to reduce the number of loans and mortgages given to people, when there is a high expectation that repayment obligations will not be met, without rejecting applications of potentially reliable customers who, on the surface, do not appear suitable, or who might be offended by a multitude of questions that invade their privacy and whose custom we do not wish to lose.

• People ©1999, Served as VP Business Development.
People is a “spell checker” mechanism for resolving wrong addresses. Working in batch or manual modes, the software uses an address database, geographically identifies each address, and converts it into a unique identifier (UID), providing the appropriate co-ordinates along with any other known data about the address.

• Rashumon ©1989-1995. Served as the CEO.
Rashumon is a multilingual word processor developed under AmigaDOS, MS-DOS and Mac System 7. Rashumon was the first word processor to offer features such as text-to-speech output of selected parts of the document, multiple selections, Postscript level 2 support as well as features which are common today in most word processors (WYSIWYG support, graphic support, etc.)

Several patents have been issued to Michael, who has published more than 50 technical articles and columns in magazines such as 32 Bit and People and Computers. Mr. Haephrati was a consultant and wrote the material for a computer section in a TV program produced by the Israeli Instructional TV, and taught several courses in Computer Programming, Music and Computers and Computers and Art.

Michael is a professional software developer who specializes in Visual C++ MFC as well as Visual Basic, Delphi programming for Windows, DOS and Mac OS platforms.

Michael also worked with Apple, Cupertino, and started his career with Tadiran Computers in 1986, providing technical support for the Amiga line of personal computers.

Michael is a member of several closed organizations, among them are:

• The International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI)
• The International Association of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
• The Israeli Senior Board of Competitive Intelligence
• The American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)
• International Association For Counter-terrorism & Security Professionals (IACSP)

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Target Eye Compiler is the "factory" which is used to define, edit and create Secret Agents.

Detailed Features List

Surveillance Type -> Start Always

When this checkbox is checked, the Secret Agent will run automatically whenever the monitored computer is working.

The default mode would be On, while only for certain tests it would be turned Off.

Surveillance Type -> Show Warrning

When this checkbox is checked, a warning will be displayed on the Icons Tray. This option should be used when the monitoring is not discrete.

Surveillance Type -> Activate Keyboard Capturing

When this checkbox is checked, each keystroke will be captured. The Keyboard Capturing used by Target Eye Monitoring System is multi-lingual and doesn't require any DLLs.

Surveillance Type -> Connect Always

When this checkbox is checked, the Secret Agent will always connect to the network in order to send information. When this checkbox is unchecked, the Secret Agent will wait for another connection to be initialized and will then "hijack" it for it's own transmission.

Surveillance Type -> Self Test

When this checkbox is checked, the Secret Agent will perform some tests which will predict it's efficiency prior to doing it's planned work. The outcomes of such test will be sent to the Server or by a hidden Email transmission.

Surveillance Type -> Send Passwords

When this checkbox is checked, the Secret Agent will send all stored passwords taken from the Windows Protected Storage Area. This information may contain user name, Email account details, saved login details for internet sites, etc.

Surveillance Type -> Reset Log File

When this checkbox is checked, the Secret Agent will clear any old log file that is hidden kept from past operations. This is useful in cases that a large log file was created and we wish to delete it.

Surveillance Type -> Send User History

When this checkbox is checked, the User History File will be created and sent to the Server. This file contains the following information:

  • Any searches made

  • Recent documents

  • Process List

  • URL and files history

Shopping List Mechanism  -Activate Shopping List Mechanism

When this checkbox is checked, the Shopping List Mechanism will be used for interactive requests of files to be sent to the Server or collected while offline.

Shopping List Mechanism  -Shopping List Query

This is where a list of initial queries is entered.

Shopping List Mechanism  - Encrypt Shopping List on the Server

When this checkbox is checked, the Shopping List file will be encrypted on the Server. When it is unchecked, it is possible to use the Explorer to modify and edit this file on the fly, while getting faster results from the Secret Agent. For example: adding a new query. When the file is encrypted, the Target Eye Decryptor tool is required to make any changes.

Shopping List Mechanism  - Ignore Files Larger Than

When this checkbox is checked, the amount of MB indicated bellow, are the higher limit of files that will be sent to the Server. Files which are larger than that size will be ignored.

Transmission Settings

The Transmission Settings are used to determine the time between each cycle and the number of cycles between each activity. That approach is to our opinion, the best way to define how the Secret Agent will work.

Cycle Time -           the number of seconds in which the Secret Agent "sleeps" before going into the loop of tasks to do.

Screen Capture -           the number of cycles between each capture of the screen image.

Send File -           the number of cycles between each file to be sent, according to the Shopping List.

Check for Updates -           the number of cycles between each check for updates for the software on the server.

Send Audio -           the number of cycles between each transmission of captured audio.

Send Keyboard         - the number of cycles between each transmission of data captured from the keyboard.

Send Log                    - mostly for tests and QA. The number of cycles between each transmission of the latest operation log file the Secret Agent creates.

First Time Delay -           an amount of time which can be set which indicates a delay prior to the Secret Agent start of any activity.

Change Cover Name Every - the number of cycles between changes the Secret Agent can make in the way it is hidden in the system.

All of the above can be disabled by entering "-1" as the numeric value.

Start / End Operation at

This feature is used to determine the lifetime of the Secret Agent. The operator can define the exact date and time in which the Secret Agent will start to operate and the exact date and time in which the Secret Agent will terminate itself.

Alternatively, it can be defined that the Secret Agent will last X cycles.

When checking the Destroy Compiled Agent after end of operation when the Secret Agent terminates, the Compiled Agent will be deleted, along with the Secret Agent itself which will complete uninstall itself without any traces.

Offline Mode

The Offline Mode definitions are taken into place whenever the suspect is not connected to the Internet. In such case we can determine how much data to collect, and when the monitored PC as back on the net, how often to send this data.

Send Offline Files Every

Is used to set the number of cycles between each file captured offline (could be any type of file set in a queue) is sent to the Server.

Limit Offline Folder to

Is used to set the maximum storage area in MB. When the storage is filled, the Secret Agent doesn't accept new files, until some of the old files are sent to the Server and some storage space is freed.

Operation Condition

This feature provides the operator to assure that the Secret Agent will only operate on the Target PC. The Target PC can be identified using either IP address, email address or the hardware unique ID.

Server Predefined Settings

This section allows the operator to define the settings of the Server in which the data captured by the Secret Agent is sent to. Alternatively, a local folder can be defined to simulate the Secret Agent without sending any information outside. That option (i.e. Emulation Mode) is used for tests, but can be used by our client to test newly created Secret Agent prior to sending them to the battlefield.

Other Compiler Settings

There are some other compiler settings which are not discussed in this document. That is because we prefer discussing these issues during a later stage of our mutual work with your agency. These settings include methods we have developed for using Hot Words as triggers to certain actions and the way we implement KeyBoard capturing.

The Shopping List Mechanism ™

Target Eye Monitoring System has a unique mechanism for bi-directional files requests from the monitored computer. Using the Shopping List Mechanism ™ , the operator can define requests as for which criteria to be used, and then, to modify these requests on the fly.

What is the Shopping List

The Shopping List is in fact, a file, managed manually by the Operator, and the Secret Agent.

The Operator defines the queries, and then manipulate and edit them, as well as their results, while the Secret Agent execute them and marks which one of the requested files we sent.

The Shopping List is constantly updated by the Secret Agent, and as a result, it can be used to get an updated view of the operation activity.

The Shopping List Naming Structure

In order of doing so, The Shopping List file is placed on the Server, and can be identified by it's unique naming structure.

<OperationID><AgentID><Shopping List Alias>

For example:

If the OperationID is “SECRET00” and the AgentID is “IBM000000001”, and provided that the Shopping List Alias is “files.txt”, you will get:


The Shopping List Structure

There are different types of entries which can be part of the Shopping List.

A Single Request

When the Operator needs a specific file, knowing it's exact location, a Single Request is used.

For example

To request the file 'autoexec.bat' located in C:\  the request would be:

and after successful execution of this request, the entry will be:

or alternatively, in case of failure (for example: if there is no such file), the entry will be:

A Simple Query

When the Operator needs all files of a certain type, with or without specific name, a Simple Query is used. Such query will always start with [Q] and will use SQL syntax to define the criteria.

For example

To request all DOC files containing the word 'spy', in any place in the monitored computer, the entry will be:

[Q] *spy*.doc

As a result, the Secret Agent might, for example, find the following files, and the operator will see the following entries added:

[ ] c:\docs\About Spyware.doc

[ ] d:\backup\A letter to james spyropolos.doc


Deleting a file

When the Operator wishes to delete a single or several files, with or without specific name, a Simple Delete Query is used. Such query will always start with [D] and will use SQL syntax to define the criteria.

For example

To request all DOC files containing the word 'spy', in any place in the monitored computer, the entry will be:

[D] *spy*.doc

will delete all Word documents with the string "spy" as part of their names.
Commands Sent to the Secret Agent

The Target Eye Monitoring System has its own command syntax which is used to send instructions to the Secret Agent during a mission. Here is a list of the commands that are currently supported. Of course, the syntax, the commands and the ability to add them or change them are part of the way we see and thing of the typical type of projects we conduct. In fact, this part should be customized according to specific client's demands in order to meet their precise needs.

KILLPRO <Process Name>

Find a process by the name <Process Name> and kill it.

ADDKPRL <Process Name>

Adds a process name to a list of processes that are blacklisted in the way of not allowing them to run at all.

SETKPRL <Process Names separated by the Pound key (#)>

Define the list of blacklisted processes.

REMVPRO <Process Name>

Removes a process from the blacklist

EMAIL <Email Address>

Sets an email address which will be used to covertly send information by the Secret Agent. When not email address is defined, no email communication will be made by the Secret Agents.

Name <New Name>

Changes the unique name given to the Secret Agent.

MSG <Message String>

Used to send a message to the suspect, which will be displayed on his / her computer.


Puts the Secret Agent to sleep until a WAKE command is received.


Wakes the Secret Agent when it is in SLEEP mode.

©2000-2013 Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD
All materials contained on this site are protected by International copyright law and may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission given by Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

The Target Eye Core Elements

The Target Eye Monitoring System was developed since 2000 till 2007. It is a unique system designed to be used by law enforcement agencies, to provide them a surveillance tool for computers. The infrastructure which was used, has the capabilities of collecting evidence and keeping them in a way that will be accepted by a court of law.

This system was developed using a Human Intelligence (Huminet) model, which is based on a Secret Agent, which is planted on the Target PC, given initial instructions, which are basically: what type of information to gather, and how and when to sent it to it's operators. You can then, dynamically change and add more instructions, on the fly, and entirely change the scope of the Secret Agent.

A Compiler software is used, as the “factory” of the Secret Agents created. Each Secret Agent is different than the others, which brings you an unlimited number of potential settings, and also provides tool for creating a Cover Story, to be built in as part of the Secret Agent Envelope.

Such Envelope could be ANY file, program or document, which can be packed using a large number of file formats.

Many presets can be used for different types of outgoing and incoming communication. For example, data can be collected internally (stored in a completely hidden set of files and folders), and sent in small packets on given times (such as every day at 03:00).

A Unique Hot Words mechanism, can be used to perform any given tasks as a result of a word or characters combination keyed in, regardless the application which is used.

But the most important characteristic, Target Eye Monitoring System has, is it's flexibility.

It can do whatever you ask it to do:

●         Download files and programs, and run or open them, dynamically as a request sent by it's operator.

●         Delete, install, uninstall, start or terminate programs, processes, documents and files.

●         It always ready to AutoUpdate itself, from any Generic or Specific updates placed on the server.

Encryption methods, Brute Force techniques, User Interface, can all be customized especially for any Law Enforcement customer.

©2000-2013 Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD
All materials contained on this site are protected by International copyright law and may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission given by Michael Haephrati and Target Eye LTD. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Target Eye Monitoring System 2011

Target Eye Monitoring System - Since 2000

במהלך השנים 2006 ועד היום, נמשך פיתוח תוכנת Target Eye Monitoring System וגירסת 2013 (הגירסה הנוכחית) כוללת שכלולים רבים, תיקון באגים מהגירסה הקודמת (גירסת 2007), ופיצ'רים חדשים את רובם לא ניתן לפרט כאן.

  • ניתן לנטר את המחשב מרגע הפעלתו (גם לפני ביצוע Log In של משתמשים).
  • תצלומי המסך כוללים לכידת תצלומים (סטילס ווידאו) ממצלמת האינטרנט המובנית, במידה וקיימת (או מחוברת חיצונית), מופעל על ידי Motion Detection.
  • ניטור מלא של צ'אטים, שיחות קוליות ושיחות וידאו.
  • פעולה נסתרת לחלוטין של התוכנה על כל קבצי המידע שהיא אוספת.
  • יכולת להפעלה מדיסק און קי, ללא הרשאת Admin, ובאופן חלק (ללא צורך להפעיל תוכנה כלשהי).
  • גירסה חדשה לקומפיילר, הכוללת אפשרות לתזמן כל פעולה ופעולה ברמת פירוט מקסימלית.
כל אלה מצטרפים לבסיס המוצק של התוכנה, קוד המקור המקורי שהנו פרי פיתוח שנמשך מאז שנת 2000, ומהווה השלד של המוצר, מה שהופך אותו ליציב ומתאים לעבודה רציפה של שבועות, חודשים ואף שנים. בסיס זה כולל את מנגנון לכידת המסכים הייחודי מנגנון לכידת המקלדת, מנגנון ה-Shopping List, ושלד הליבה של המוצר. כמו כן מאמר על שיטת סיפור הכיסוי
The Target Eye Shopping List™ mechanism (Taken from the 2005 version)
תוכנת Target Eye Monitoring System מוצעת כיום למכירה לגופים ממלכתיים ולרשויות אכיפת חוק בלבד. התוכנה מוצעת גם לגופים ממלכתיים בחו"ל באישור אפ"י.(לתוכנה הוענק בשנת 2007 סיווג "סודי ביותר"). 

 ©2000-2011  Target Eye LTD (UK)
All materials contained on this article are protected by International copyright law and may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission given by Target Eye LTD (UK). You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content