Saturday, September 21, 2013

An article about Target Eye won the first prize

An article about Target Eye keyboard capturing mechanism has won the 1st prize! 

This article explains how keystrokes were logged and which possible techniques can be used for effective keyboard capturing.

The article is the fourth in a series about the Target Eye Monitoring System , developed in 2000, and since. The first article was about Target Eye's Auto Update mechanism, and how it is capable of checking for updates, downloading them when there are, installing them and running them instead of the old version currently running, all of the above, with no end-user intervention. The second article was about the Target Eye's screen capturing mechanism, and how compact JPG files are created combining a reasonable image quality and a small footprint. The third article was about the Shopping List mechanism. Well, the next significant component of the Target Eye system is Keyboard Capturing. There are several methods to implement it and many issues to be aware of, so besides the historical value that some people may find in this product, I hope to bring some technical value as well... Smile | <img src=

Articles and source code of previous versions